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EERace, a teachers-training course

Since 1997, we have trained more than 800 in-service teachers in EE! We work very closely with the State Education Department, especially with the Sandakan Branch of the department. Our other main partners are members of the Sabah Environmental Education Network (SEEN) and many others in the private sector and local communities.

EERace is 70% outdoor!

Our course, called the EERace (Environmental Education Race), features 70% outdoor activities, participant-centered learning, team work and more than 18 interesting environment-related assignments. Interestingly, when registering for an EERace, all participants do not have any idea of what they are about to learn or where they are going! The recent EERaces brought participants to 6 districts within the Heart of Borneo (HoB) areas.

For teachers who are interested to be involved in this course, please contact us!

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Malaysian residents

Adult                              RM7.00

Children (5-17 yrs)        RM3.00


Adult                             RM30.00

Children (5-17 yrs)        RM20.00

FREE entrance for all children below 5 years old.

Time: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm


We are open everyday, including public holidays.

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