Sepilok Junior Rangers

The Sepilok Junior Ranger Programme was launched on the 11th November 2006 for children of the staff of the Sabah Forestry Department and other children residing in Sepilok. The Sepilok Junior Rangers (SJRs) are aged between 9 to 17 years old. The programme’s main aim is to instil a caring attitude towards the nearby Kabili-Sepilok Forest Reserve and the environment as a whole amongst the SJRs.
Numerous EE activities are conducted for the SJRs at the RDC. In the recent years, they were trained to conduct EE activities for the general public during Sabah Forestry Department’s public exhibition in Kota Kinabalu and Sandakan
Junior Board
Senior SJRs are also trained to conduct children's events such as camps and children's conferences. During these events, they are called the Junior Board.
The first Junior Board was set up for the 6th YAWA-SEEN International Children Conference on the Environment (June 2009) and the second was the Asian Wetland School Network Exchange Programme (March 2011).
Since then, for all activities that need the active participation of the SJRs, they will form the Junior Board to assist in the smooth running of the events. Junior Boards also conduct Children’s Bird Camps during the annual Borneo Bird Festival when the event is held at RDC.
Holistic training
Besides activities to educate SJRs about the environment, for e.g. learning about local plants and trees, animals and birding, they are also trained in planning, organising and conducting certain activities during events we organise. In this way, we hope to enhance leadership qualities and to improve their inter-personal and communication skills.